Browse Products and Services

  • Economic
    • 3GB NVME Storage
    • 500GB Bandwidth monthly
    • 1 Domain
    1. Unlimited Email Address
    2. Unlimited Databases
    3. Included access to Softaculus
    4. Included access to PHP Version Selector
    5. Free SSL Certificate
    6. Server is located in Europe
    7. cPanel is the main control panel
from € 12.00 / Monthly
  • Ideal
    • 8GB NVME Storage
    • Unlimited Bandwidth monthly
    • 8 Domains
    1. Unlimited Email Address
    2. Unlimited Databases
    3. Included access to Softaculus
    4. Included access to PHP Version Selector
    5. Free SSL Certificate
    6. Server is located in Europe
    7. cPanel is the main control panel
from € 16.00 / Monthly
  • Business
    • 25GB NVME Storage
    • Unlimited Bandwidth monthly
    • 15 Domains
    1. Unlimited Email Address
    2. Unlimited Databases
    3. Included access to Softaculus
    4. Included access to PHP Version Selector
    5. Free SSL Certificate
    6. Server is located in Europe
    7. cPanel is the main control panel
from € 24.00 / Monthly